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Is there a swimming pool in this hotel?
This is the most frequently asked question by a child on holiday.
Pools, as we know, are one of the greatest attractions for a child on holiday for children. When they discover that the Bibione Palace Hotel actually has three pools, the joy becomes uncontainable and the holiday is now a must.
How many times, when planning the holidays, a mom or a dad have been asked this question: Mom, dad, ... is there a swimming pool in this hotel? Even if you show them all sorts of playgrounds, tennis courts, potato chip-based menus, comfortable rooms... their attention will always return there, to the pool. When they discover that the Bibione Palace Hotel actually has three pools, the joy becomes uncontainable and the holiday is now a must.

Children often love swimming pools even more than the sea. Because pools have borders, they are colourful and are often miniature amusement parks; they can use inflatable toys, the water is low, mom and dad are close and it is easy to socialise with other children. In addition, they enjoy the advantages of being outdoors. Water is a natural environment for children: they splash around at will, jump in with their swimming armbands and have swimming competitions with lifejackets. In addition, our pool for the little ones is heated to an inviting temperature: your problem will be to take your kids out!

Once beyond the childhood years, the love for pools is still there. Simply, in our hotel the boys move into the larger pool, the one closer to the beach, which is 25 metres long. Here, during the summer we also organise swimming and water aerobics courses with instructors.

On cloudy days - which in Bibione are very few in summer - the indoor pool on the sixth floor (with a panoramic view) welcomes the most enthusiast swimmers, even though it is the children's pool, with its sinuous shape and the neighbouring playground, to be, year after year, the most coveted facility.